HomeCoursesBuilding a Medium Clone With Vue 3


8h 30min

Building a Medium Clone With Vue 3
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Gain insights into Vue 3 by building a Medium clone. Learn about creating login, home, and register screens, user authentication, and making API calls for dynamic data.
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Course Overview

This is an exciting course that will introduce you to Vue 3 along with most of its workings. You will create a Medium-like clone in this tutorial series learning all the basics of the latest Vue framework. You will learn how to create a login, home, and register screen, as well as how to implement user authentication in a Vue application. Lastly, you will also learn how to make API calls for a web application to fetch dynamic data. By the end of this course, you will be able to start using Vue in your ap...Show More
This is an exciting course that will introduce you to Vue 3 along with most of its workings. You will create a Medium-like clo...Show More


Build a Medium-clone from scratch in Vue 3
Make API calls to fetch data for a web application
Implement user authentication in your vue application
Understand the inner workings of the Vuex store
Build a Medium-clone from scratch in Vue 3

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Course Content


Getting Started

6 Lessons

Get familiar with Vue 3 basics through project setup, UI components, routing, and state management.


Login, Register, and Home Screen

7 Lessons

Get started with creating user interfaces for Login, Register, Home, and Settings screens in Vue 3.


Implement Dynamic Article List and Profile Page

6 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of dynamic article lists, profile pages, API data fetching, and Vuex management.



1 Lessons

Take a closer look at setting up and configuring your Vue 3 project efficiently.
Certificate of Completion
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