HomeCoursesAgile Web Development Using Rails 6


20h 15min

Agile Web Development Using Rails 6
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Gain insights into building and deploying web applications with Rails 6 and Ruby. Delve into Agile methods to deliver robust, customer-facing e-commerce applications incrementally.
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Course Overview

Rails is a development framework that uses the Ruby programming language. Agile is a project management methodology that focuses on iterative development. Using Ruby and Agile together enable software engineers to deliver robust customer-facing applications. This course serves as a comprehensive introduction to web development using Rails 6. First, you’ll get introduced to the Rails architecture and its model, view, and controller components. You’ll create a basic e-commerce application before adding funct...Show More
Rails is a development framework that uses the Ruby programming language. Agile is a project management methodology that focuses...Show More


Get a strong understanding of web development with the Rails architecture.
Become familiar with the Ruby programming language.
Learn to make iterative improvements and create products with Agile methodologies.
Learn to build and deploy fullstack web applications using Rails and Agile.
Get a strong understanding of web development with the Rails architecture.

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Course Content


Getting Started

2 Lessons

Get familiar with Rails basics to build an e-commerce web application.


Instant Gratification

8 Lessons

Look at Rails fundamentals by creating a new app, adding views, linking pages, and debugging.


The Architecture of Rails Application

5 Lessons

Examine the MVC architecture in Rails, encompassing models, views, controllers, and Active Record ORM.


Introduction to Ruby

9 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of Ruby's object-oriented nature, data types, control flow, and organizational structures.


The Depot Application

3 Lessons

Solve problems in incremental development, user roles in Depot, and initial coding steps.


Creating the Application

4 Lessons

Investigate initializing a Rails 6 development environment, creating databases, and enhancing user interfaces.


Validation and Unit Testing

6 Lessons

Master the steps to ensure data integrity with validations, unit testing integration, making and using test fixtures in Rails.


Catalog Display

7 Lessons

Step through catalog creation with Rails controllers, views, layout, helpers, and caching techniques.


Adding a Dash of Ajax

7 Lessons

Apply your skills to create dynamic Rails applications with Ajax, helpers, and Action Cable.


Check Out

5 Lessons

Map out the steps for capturing and validating orders with Atom feed integration.


Entering Additional Payment Details

6 Lessons

Tackle dynamic payment forms using React and JavaScript, enhancing user interactions efficiently.


Sending Emails and Processing Payments Efficiently

5 Lessons

Practice using Rails to send emails, manage payment processing, and validate the checkout flow.


Logging In

6 Lessons

Sharpen your skills in implementing user authentication, securing passwords, and enforcing access control in Rails.



6 Lessons

Unpack the core of implementing multi-language support in a Rails app with locale configurations.


Receive Emails and Respond with Rich Text

5 Lessons

Go hands-on with receiving emails, storing support requests, and responding with rich text.


Finding Your Ways Around Rails

4 Lessons

Break down complex ideas of Rails' directory structure, naming conventions, and core subsystems.


Active Record

8 Lessons

Build efficient data models and manage relationships with CRUD operations using Active Record.



7 Lessons

Step through creating, managing, and troubleshooting database migrations in Rails efficiently.


Customizing and Extending Rails

6 Lessons

Discover the logic behind customizing and extending Rails with testing, templating, and CSS management.



1 Lessons

Examine further learning paths and foundational skills in Agile Web Development using Rails 6.



7 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of installing Rails, setting up environments, and database integration.
Certificate of Completion
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