Home>Courses>Burp Suite Extension Development



Certificate of Completion

Burp Suite Extension Development



Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

16 Lessons
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content

Course Overview

This course is for folks who are new to security, are experts already, or are just curious. We will learn how to build Burp Suite extension plugins with a focus on development using IntelliJ & Java. You will be able to build Burp Suite Extension Plugins from scratch with live development and testing in Java by the end of the course. These projects will be useful learning experiences for both web application security specialists and developers. This course assumes a rudimentary understanding of Burp Suite a...Show More
This course is for folks who are new to security, are experts already, or are just curious. We will learn how to build Burp Suit...Show More

What You'll Learn

The basics of Extension and Callbacks.
Understanding Burp Suite Extension API
Extension development basics
The basics of Extension and Callbacks.

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