HomeCoursesMastering Big Data with Apache Spark and Java


17h 15min

Mastering Big Data with Apache Spark and Java
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Gain insights into Spark Java API, learn about data transformations and SQL operations, and discover how to integrate big data and Java for scalable, high-speed processing.
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Course Overview

This course serves as a comprehensive introduction to the Spark Java API. Experienced Java developers will use object-oriented programming (OOP) principles to apply theory to Apache Spark and big data practice. You’ll learn the basic components and architecture of Spark, a leading framework for building big data applications, before implementing them in Java. You’ll also explore data transformations like grouping, sorting, and joining. Further, you’ll learn to support SQL operations in the database and cre...Show More
This course serves as a comprehensive introduction to the Spark Java API. Experienced Java developers will use object-oriented p...Show More


Learn Apache Spark fundamentals and gain an overview of its building blocks
Learn Advanced Transformations and leverage Spark’s powerful library, Spark SQL
Acquire practical experience through examples, coding, and recipes
Develop a big data batch application with foundations in both design patterns and good programming practices using Spark
Learn Apache Spark fundamentals and gain an overview of its building blocks

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Course Content


Course Introduction

2 Lessons

Get familiar with Apache Spark, its architecture, Java API, and big data processing.


Spark Introduction and Basics

5 Lessons

Get started with Apache Spark's architecture, in-memory computing, and scalable data processing.


Getting Started with Spark

5 Lessons

Explore setting up and running Spark programs, configuring Maven projects, and utilizing DataFrames.


Spark SQL and Other Functionalities

8 Lessons

Follow the process of leveraging Spark's SQL, schema manipulation, file/database ingestion, and serialization.


Building a Big Data Batch Application

8 Lessons

Piece together the parts of building a Spark batch application, including architecture, driver program design, ingestion, and testing.


Deployment and Cluster Execution

3 Lessons

Try out executing and deploying Apache Spark applications in local and cluster modes.


Monitoring and Performance Fundamentals

4 Lessons

Unpack the core of interpreting Spark logs, using SparkUI, and fundamental performance optimization techniques.



1 Lessons

Examine further resources for Spark and Java development to continue your learning.



2 Lessons

Break down complex tools and techniques for local Spark development and debugging using IntelliJ.
Certificate of Completion
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