HomeCoursesLet's learn ES6! Master new JavaScript features faster and easier



Let's learn ES6! Master new JavaScript features faster and easier
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Gain insights into ES6 essentials with 22 lessons and 140+ coding playgrounds. Discover template literals, generator functions, promises, maps, and more for modern JavaScript development.
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Course Overview

ES6 is the future of JavaScript and modern JavaScript frameworks like React are based on ES6. Every web developer needs to learn ES6 to stay relevant. It's also more fun to write ES6 code. With 22 lessons and 140+ coding playgrounds, this course will help you become a better developer, and allow you to review the features you want when you want. Let's Learn ES6 is an interactive course meant to help developers understand the new syntax and features of ES6. After this course, you would be able to comprehend...Show More
ES6 is the future of JavaScript and modern JavaScript frameworks like React are based on ES6. Every web developer needs to learn...Show More
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