HomeCoursesMastering Functional Programming with OCaml and Haskell


9h 5min

Mastering Functional Programming with OCaml and Haskell
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Gain insights into functional programming with OCaml and Haskell, explore lambda calculus, abstractions, and dataflows, and learn to apply these concepts to real-world scenarios, contrasting with Java.
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Course Overview

Functional programming is a paradigm that builds complete applications by breaking down programs into constituent functions that empowers developers to build fast, bug-resistant applications. You’ll be introduced to functional programming with illustrative examples contrasting the more widely used imperative programming paradigm. You’ll review lambda calculus as an introduction to expressions, the building blocks of functional programs. You’ll continue with abstractions and complex data types before explor...Show More
Functional programming is a paradigm that builds complete applications by breaking down programs into constituent functions that...Show More


A strong understanding of the core concepts of functional programming
Hands-on experience with functional programming techniques in both OCaml and Haskell
The ability to determine when either functional or imperative programming is best for a project
A deep familiarity with the fundamentals of programming functions in any language, particularly in parsing, type checking, compilation and execution
A strong understanding of the core concepts of functional programming

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Functional Programming

Course Content



4 Lessons

Get familiar with functional programming principles, their significance, and practical applications.


Expressions: Building Blocks of Functional Programs

8 Lessons

Unpack the core of functional programming expressions, syntax, parsing, types, values, naming, and challenges.


Compound Data Types

5 Lessons

Apply your skills to understand and utilize tuples, lists, and algebraic datatypes in OCaml.


Common Computation Patterns

6 Lessons

Solve problems in common computation patterns like map, filter, fold, and zip functions.


Dataflow Programming with Functions

4 Lessons

Implement dataflow models using lists and streams, and tackle practical programming challenges.


Applying Functional Programming to Various Domains

2 Lessons

Practice using functional programming to handle collections and process hierarchical data structures like JSON.



2 Lessons

Learn how to use functional programming strengths in projects and access advanced resources.



2 Lessons

Look at installing OCaml and Haskell compilers, including using their respective REPLs.
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