HomeCoursesWeb Application Security: Understanding HTTP Security Headers


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Web Application Security: Understanding HTTP Security Headers
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Gain insights into HTTP security headers, learn their risks, explore solutions, and discover how to implement them using Helmet for enhanced web application security.
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Course Overview

This course teaches you hands-on practical use of HTTP security headers as browser security controls to help secure web applications. For each HTTP security header that can enhance your web application security, you'll learn what is the overall risk of not implementing it, and what does a proposed solution help with. Finally, you'll learn how to implement and configure the security header with Helmet, a popular and well maintained Node.js package on npm.
This course teaches you hands-on practical use of HTTP security headers as browser security controls to help secure web applicat...Show More


Establishing secure web applications using HTTP security headers
Understanding Content Security Policy
Configuring Node.js web applications securely
Learning how to test and monitor for security headers and vulnerable JavaScript libraries
Roadmap for next steps in web controls and security headers spec
Establishing secure web applications using HTTP security headers

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Course Content



3 Lessons

Get familiar with HTTP security headers, browser controls, essential tools, and the Helmet package.


HTTP Security Headers

6 Lessons

Discover the logic behind HTTP security headers, their implementations, and their roles in web protection.


Testing for Security Headers

5 Lessons

Work your way through testing web application security headers with WebPageTest, Lighthouse, and Check My Headers.


What's Next?

4 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of establishing CSPs, monitoring security, evolving headers, and additional learning resources.
Certificate of Completion
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