HomeCoursesDirectives and Pipes in Angular


3h 10min

Directives and Pipes in Angular
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Gain insights into Angular’s built-in directives and pipes, and delve into creating custom ones. Learn about their real-world applications to boost your project's performance and code readability.
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Course Overview

Directives and pipes are incredible and often undervalued features of the Angular framework. They allow us to write efficient code, improve application performance, and omit code duplications. In this course, you will learn about the theory and the working mechanisms of built-in directives and pipes in Angular. You’ll also implement some custom directives and pipes to learn about their real-world application cases. With this course, you will improve your Angular skills and refine your project’s codebase to...Show More
Directives and pipes are incredible and often undervalued features of the Angular framework. They allow us to write efficient co...Show More


In-depth knowledge about how directives and pipes work and how they are implemented.
Refactor and improvement techniques for common frontend application issues using directives and pipes.
Implement custom Angular directives.
Implement custom Angular pipes.
Angular built-in directives and pipes.
In-depth knowledge about how directives and pipes work and how they are implemented.

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Course Content


Getting Started

1 Lessons

Get familiar with Angular directives and pipes to enhance your coding skills.



23 Lessons

Look at Angular directives for reusable elements, custom behaviors, and dynamic DOM manipulation.


Directives Summary

1 Lessons

Follow the process of leveraging Angular directives to enhance codebases with dynamic, reusable components.


Pipes summary

1 Lessons

Learn how to use Angular pipes for efficient data transformation and presentation.
Certificate of Completion
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