HomeCoursesBuilding AWS Lambda Functions with C# and .NET



Building AWS Lambda Functions with C# and .NET
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Become an AWS pro with C#. Developed by AWS Solution Certified Architects, get hands-on with building scalable AWS Lambda applications. No setup, no cleanup, no hassle.
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Course Overview

Serverless applications enable businesses to deploy highly-scalable workloads in a very cost-efficient manner. AWS Lambda is the main type of serverless application used by the highly popular Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. This course is designed to empower individuals with the skills and knowledge to develop robust and scalable AWS Lambda applications using C#. In this course, you will embark on a hands-on learning journey, starting from the fundamentals of AWS Lambda and progressing to advanced topics....Show More
Serverless applications enable businesses to deploy highly-scalable workloads in a very cost-efficient manner. AWS Lambda is the...Show More


An understanding of AWS Lambda functions and their benefits
The ability to write AWS Lambda functions by using C# and .NET
Familiarity with event types supported by AWS Lambda functions
The ability to orchestrate long-running tasks with AWS Step Functions
The ability to integrate AWS Lambda functions with third party services
An understanding of AWS Lambda functions and their benefits

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Course Content


Introduction to AWS Lambda

5 Lessons

Get familiar with building serverless applications, AWS Lambda basics, and project structures.


AWS Lambda .NET Project Types

4 Lessons

Look at different AWS Lambda .NET projects for various deployment needs and serverless architectures.


Fundamental Components of AWS Lambda

5 Lessons

Examine JSON serialization, context objects, troubleshooting, and solutions in AWS Lambda functions with C#.


Orchestrating Long-Running Tasks with Step Functions

4 Lessons

Simplify complex orchestration of long-running tasks using AWS Step Functions and .NET.


Error Handling in AWS Lambda

3 Lessons

Master the steps to handle errors and configure retry policies in AWS Lambda functions.


Securing AWS Lambda Functions

4 Lessons

Get started with securing AWS Lambda using IAM, data protection, and security best practices.



2 Lessons

Work your way through building, deploying, and managing AWS Lambda functions using C# and .NET.



3 Lessons

Break down the steps to prepare, emulate, and deploy AWS Lambda functions using .NET.
Certificate of Completion
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