HomeCoursesDeep Dive into Object Detection with YOLO



Deep Dive into Object Detection with YOLO
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Gain insights into YOLO architecture, core concepts like IoU and NMS, and optimization strategies. Delve into real-time object detection, data augmentation, and hyperparameters for various use cases.
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Course Overview

Object detection has revolutionized the field of computer vision, security, autonomous driving, and more. Among the various algorithms available, YOLO stands out due to its efficiency and accuracy. This course dives deep into the YOLO architecture, highlighting its significance in object detection. The course starts with the YOLO architecture, followed by tackling overfitting and mastering data augmentation. It delves into core YOLO concepts IoU and NMS, real-time object detection, data augmentation, and o...Show More
Object detection has revolutionized the field of computer vision, security, autonomous driving, and more. Among the various algo...Show More


An understanding of different types of object detection models
An understanding of YOLO architecture and its significance in object detection
Familiarity with core concepts of YOLO, including Intersection over Union (IoU) and non-maximum suppression (NMS)
Hands-on experience implementing data augmentation techniques for improved model performance
Working knowledge of overfitting, its implications, and methods to prevent it
An understanding of topics like batch normalization, optimizers in YOLO, learning rate scheduling, mAP score evaluation, and loss calculations for object detection
An understanding of different types of object detection models

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Machine Learning

Image Augmentation

Course Content


Introduction to Object Detection

5 Lessons

Get familiar with foundational and practical knowledge of YOLO object detection models.


Improving Model Performance: Handling Overfitting/Underfitting

4 Lessons

Grasp methods to enhance model robustness, reduce overfitting, and effectively handle varied data inputs.


Pre-Trained Models, Fine-Tuning, and Hyperparameters in OD

4 Lessons

Take a closer look at fine-tuning, pretrained models, and hyperparameters in YOLO.



1 Lessons

Focus on enhancing your object detection skills and applying them to real-world tasks.
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