HomeCoursesThe Ultimate Guide to gRPC in ASP.NET Core



The Ultimate Guide to gRPC in ASP.NET Core
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Gain insights into using gRPC in ASP.NET Core. Discover remote procedures, Protobuf serialization, advanced features, and performance best practices to create low-latency, high-throughput applications.
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Course Overview

gRPC is a high-performance communication protocol that works over either HTTP/2 or HTTP/3. It can be used by any programming language and framework, including .NET. gRPC libraries with client and server components are included in ASP.NET Core—the main web development framework of .NET. In this course, you’ll walk through all key parts of using gRPC on .NET. Next, you’ll learn how to use all types of remote procedures supported by gRPC. Then, you’ll get familiar with Protobuf, which is the main message ser...Show More
gRPC is a high-performance communication protocol that works over either HTTP/2 or HTTP/3. It can be used by any programming lan...Show More


Hands-on experience of setting up gRPC client and gRPC server in .NET projects
Working knowledge of Protobuf and extending its functionality
Advanced skills in gRPC in .NET, such as enabling gRPC in browsers
Familiarity with best practices of using gRPC in .NET
An understanding of non-standard gRPC usages, such as the code-first approach
Hands-on experience of setting up gRPC client and gRPC server in .NET projects

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Course Content


Basics of gRPC on .NET

5 Lessons

Learn how to use gRPC for efficient communication in ASP.NET Core microservices.


Overview of Protobuf

7 Lessons

Discover the logic behind Protobuf's role in gRPC, scalar types, collections, maps, enumerations, and oneof fields.


Advanced gRPC Usage

5 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of advanced gRPC in .NET, gRPC-Web, and code-first implementation.



1 Lessons

Examine gRPC implementation in ASP.NET Core, covering setup, call types, security, and monitoring.



2 Lessons

Apply your skills to setting up a gRPC environment and projects locally in .NET.
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