HomeCoursesBuilding Applications with React Native



Building Applications with React Native
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Gain insights into building applications with React Native Expo. Learn essential development concepts to create career opportunities and enhance your skills using familiar web technologies.
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Course Overview

You’ll learn to build applications using React Native Expo. It’s an amazing technology for web developers to learn building apps using technologies they would already be familiar with. It would be an amazing opportunity for companies to train their developers on this instead of hiring new app developers. This course contains a complete package with the most commonly used concepts in application development. It would create a foundation for you to explore this technology further. Taking this course would ...Show More
You’ll learn to build applications using React Native Expo. It’s an amazing technology for web developers to learn building apps...Show More


The ability to create apps using React Native Expo
Hands-on experience using JavaScript as a tool to create apps
Hands-on experience developing projects to solidify concepts learned throughout the course
Familiarity with the core components of React Native, including navigation, handling API requests, async storage, native base, firebase and more
The ability to create apps using React Native Expo

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Course Content


Welcome to the Course

4 Lessons

Get familiar with React Native mobile app development, essential JavaScript concepts, and thorough documentation.


Let's Get Started With React Native

3 Lessons

Look at React Native's framework, components, and development tools for building cross-platform apps.


Handling Forms

4 Lessons

Break down the steps to manage and implement forms in React Native applications.


The useEffect Hook

3 Lessons

Follow the process of using the useEffect hook to manage React Native component lifecycles.



3 Lessons

Practice using AsyncStorage for local data management with key-value pairs in React Native.


The Todo List Application

6 Lessons

Step through building a React Native to-do app using NativeBase and AsyncStorage.


Connecting To External API's

4 Lessons

Get started with integrating APIs using Axios to fetch and display external data.


State Management

3 Lessons

Break apart the importance of state management and utilizing the Context API in React Native.



5 Lessons

Break down the steps to integrating Firebase with React Native, including authentication and storage.


Password Manager

2 Lessons

Solve problems in building a secure password manager using Firebase and Firestore.



1 Lessons

Investigate key JavaScript concepts, app development, styling, layout, and navigation in React Native.
Certificate of Completion
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