HomeCoursesCI/CD Using Native Tools Available on AWS



CI/CD Using Native Tools Available on AWS
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Become an AWS pro with CodePipeline suite. Developed by AWS Solution Certified Architects, get hands-on with CI/CD tools—no setup, no cleanup, no hassle. Deploy Java and Node.js apps easily.
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Course Overview

The CodePipeline suite is a solution developed by Amazon Web Services (AWS) for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD). It can be used to create automated pipelines on the AWS environment and allows the deployment of code modifications on the go. This course explains the fundamentals of the DevOps culture and why organizations adopt it. In this course, you will learn how the different components of AWS CodePipeline work together, from managing repositories to building automation and handli...Show More
The CodePipeline suite is a solution developed by Amazon Web Services (AWS) for continuous integration and continuous delivery (...Show More


An understanding of continuous integration and delivery/deployment
An understanding of AWS CodeBuild and CodeDeploy
A working knowledge of AWS CodeCommit to manage source codes
Hands-on experience creating and deploying a Node.js/Java project using AWS CodePipeline
An understanding of continuous integration and delivery/deployment

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Cloud Deployment

Course Content


Introduction to the Course

1 Lessons

Get familiar with DevOps principles, CI/CD practices, and AWS tools like CodeCommit and CodePipeline.


What is CI/CD?

6 Lessons

Unpack the core of CI/CD principles, their benefits, and related AWS tools.


Basics of CodeBuild

4 Lessons

Break down the steps to using CodeBuild, buildspec.yml files, and creating build projects.


Code Pipeline with a Sample Node.js Application

3 Lessons

Focus on setting up a CI/CD pipeline for a Node.js application using AWS tools.



1 Lessons


Bringing the Learnings Together

1 Lessons

Learn how to use AWS CI/CD tools to automate deployment and manage code efficiently.
Certificate of Completion
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