HomeCoursesBuilding a Blockchain from Scratch Using Solidity and Ethereum



Building a Blockchain from Scratch Using Solidity and Ethereum
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Gain insights into blockchain technology foundations, learn about cryptography, explore Ethereum, develop smart contracts, and discover how to set up and run a private blockchain from scratch.
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Course Overview

If you’re a beginner looking to get started in the world of blockchain technology, this course will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to set up and run a private blockchain. You’ll learn the foundations of blockchain technology, from cryptography to digital signatures. Then, you’ll cover more advanced topics such as consensus algorithms, decentralized applications, and cryptocurrency. You’ll delve into the Ethereum blockchain, learning to develop smart contracts and configure and start a b...Show More
If you’re a beginner looking to get started in the world of blockchain technology, this course will provide you with the knowled...Show More


Familiarity with cryptography and digital signatures
An understanding of blockchain technology and consensus mechanisms
An understanding of the role and use of cryptocurrency
A working knowledge of the Ethereum blockchain
The ability to develop and deploy smart contracts
Hands-on experience configuring and running a private blockchain
Familiarity with cryptography and digital signatures

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Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with blockchain principles, smart contracts, and develop a private blockchain node.



4 Lessons

Solve challenges with cryptographic principles like hash functions, asymmetric cryptography, and digital signatures.


Blockchain Development

5 Lessons

Deepen your knowledge of Solidity basics, smart contract creation, deployment, and blockchain development.


Build Your Blockchain

4 Lessons

Follow the process of building and initializing a private blockchain network with Geth.



1 Lessons

Build on evolving blockchain research, addressing scalability, interoperability, and regulatory challenges.
Certificate of Completion
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