HomeCoursesAn In-Depth Understanding of Memory and Pointers in C



An In-Depth Understanding of Memory and Pointers in C
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Delve into pointers and memory in C, exploring memory management, arrays, strings, functions, dynamic memory, structures, and linked lists to write efficient, effective code.
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Course Overview

This course is intended to thoroughly understand pointers in C and low-level memory operations. It introduces the fundamentals of pointers and memory in C using a step-by-step approach to basic and advanced concepts. This course is divided into several sections. It starts with memory and pointers, and the common errors associated with them. Next, you will get a comprehensive overview of C pointers, including memory management, arrays, strings, functions, complex declarations, dynamic memory, structures, an...Show More
This course is intended to thoroughly understand pointers in C and low-level memory operations. It introduces the fundamentals o...Show More


A working knowledge of the C language
An understanding of memory layers and their inner workings
The ability to write code using pointers efficiently
Mastery of crucial data structures, such as linked lists and binary search trees
An understanding of how to prepare for C language job interviews
A working knowledge of the C language

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Lifetime and Memory Management

OS Fundamentals

Linked List

Binary Search Tree






Pointer arithmetic

Dynamic memory allocations


Course Content



5 Lessons

Get familiar with memory and pointers, key concepts, and common errors in C.


Stack and Local Memory

7 Lessons

Discover the logic behind stack operations, function calls, memory allocation, and scope in C.


Passing Arguments to Functions

6 Lessons

Work your way through passing arguments by value and reference, and manipulating pointers.


Pointer Arithmetic Basics

6 Lessons

Break down complex ideas in pointer arithmetic, covering sizes, addition, subtraction, comparisons, and invalid operations.


Pointers and Strings

7 Lessons

Tackle pointers and strings through memory representation, constant strings, pointer arithmetic, and practical challenges.


Complex Pointer Declarations

4 Lessons

Break down complex pointer declarations in C, using rules and examples for clarity.


Advanced Memory Manipulation

6 Lessons

Follow the process of advanced memory manipulation, implementing custom functions, and understanding endianness.
Certificate of Completion
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