HomeCoursesConcurrency in Go



Concurrency in Go
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Gain insights into Go's concurrency, delve into efficient programming techniques, learn advanced concepts, and discover how to enhance performance and robustness in your applications.
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Course Overview

Go (also known as Golang) is one of the most popular languages today and is a key part of many enterprise tech stacks. Because Go's memory management architecture makes concurrency easier, many developers prefer it over traditional languages. In this course, you will learn the core constructs and techniques of Go as well as advanced concepts of the language. In particular, you’ll learn how to program efficiently by becoming aware of the pitfalls and patterns that are commonly encountered in Go and by build...Show More
Go (also known as Golang) is one of the most popular languages today and is a key part of many enterprise tech stacks. Because G...Show More


An understanding of concurrency and its application
Familiarity with core components of Golang and concurrency
Hands-on experience using Golang on concurrency
A working knowledge of concurrency and design patterns in Golang
An understanding of concurrency and its application

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Course Content


Introduction to Concurrency

5 Lessons

Get familiar with Golang's concurrency, goroutines, channels, and parallelism.



3 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of goroutines and anonymous goroutines for efficient concurrent programming.


Implementing Concurrency Patterns

22 Lessons

Investigate concurrency patterns in Go, exploring design, generator, pipeline, worker pool, and timeout patterns.



1 Lessons

Master the steps to choose efficient solutions in Go, focusing on concurrency and effective design.
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