HomeCoursesElasticsearch Fundamentals: Indexing and Querying Data



Elasticsearch Fundamentals: Indexing and Querying Data
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Discover Elasticsearch’s architecture and capabilities. Learn about indexing and storing data, conducting precise queries, including fuzzy searches, and executing real-time data analysis effectively.
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Course Overview

This course explores Elasticsearch, an open-source, Java-based, full-text search and analytics engine that harnesses the power of the Lucene library. You’ll discover its capabilities as a versatile search engine for business data, offering the ability to store information, conduct searches on accurate and typo-ridden text, and perform real-time data analysis on vast datasets. Throughout this course, you will gain comprehensive insights into the architecture of Elasticsearch and master the art of indexing a...Show More
This course explores Elasticsearch, an open-source, Java-based, full-text search and analytics engine that harnesses the power o...Show More


An understanding of Elasticsearch’s core data structures, such as inverted index, and how to effectively index and query data
Familiarity with Elasticsearch’s powerful search capabilities, including full-text, faceted, and fuzzy search
In-depth knowledge of Elasticsearch’s aggregation and analytics features, including how to extract insights from large datasets
An understanding of text analysis and how Elasticsearch uses analyzers to achieve accurate search results
In-depth knowledge of how Elasticsearch indexes and performs search operations
An understanding of Elasticsearch’s core data structures, such as inverted index, and how to effectively index and query data

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Course Content


Introduction to Elasticsearch

2 Lessons

Get familiar with Elasticsearch, a powerful search engine, and the Elastic Stack suite.


Getting started on Elasticsearch

7 Lessons

Look at Elasticsearch architecture, interactions, CRUD operations, mapping, data types, and scripting for efficient data handling.



1 Lessons

Congratulate and encourage real-world application and further exploration of Elasticsearch tools.
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