HomeCoursesResponsive and Adaptive UI in Flutter



Responsive and Adaptive UI in Flutter
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Gain insights into responsive and adaptive UI in Flutter, explore powerful widgets, external packages, and hands-on coding to build user-friendly, cross-platform applications.
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Course Overview

Flutter is an open-source software development kit (SDK) created by Google to support cross-platform application development for online and in the most popular consumer operating systems. Understanding Flutter’s user interface (UI) approach can help unlock robust application development across all these environments. This course will introduce you to the core concepts of responsive and adaptive UI in Flutter. You’ll start with common layout widgets before exploring application development using the most po...Show More
Flutter is an open-source software development kit (SDK) created by Google to support cross-platform application development for...Show More


A strong understanding of user interface design best practices, particularly responsive and adaptive applications
A working knowledge of Flutter and its UI widgets
A deep familiarity with Flutter’s expansive external packages to improve UI design
Hands-on experience building responsive and adaptive UI using Flutter
A strong understanding of user interface design best practices, particularly responsive and adaptive applications

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Course Content



3 Lessons

Learn how to use Flutter for adaptive and responsive UI across various devices.


Basic Single-Child Layout Widgets

7 Lessons

Get started with single-child layout widgets to enhance your responsive UI designs.


Basic Multi-Child Layout Widgets

9 Lessons

Examine multi-child widgets in Flutter, enhancing responsive UIs across various layouts and screen sizes.


The Problem of Starting with a Smartphone

3 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of adapting responsive UIs for various devices in Flutter applications.


Adaptive Design

4 Lessons

Try out adaptive design techniques for mobile, desktop, and visual density in Flutter.


External Packages

3 Lessons

Get started with responsive and adaptive UIs in Flutter using effective external packages.



1 Lessons

Examine key principles of responsive and adaptive Flutter applications for improved user experience.


Appendix: Other Resources

2 Lessons

Find out about essential skills, useful packages, and official resources for Flutter development.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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