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Advanced VueJS: Build Better Applications Efficiently

Gain insights into advanced VueJS features like lifecycle hooks, event handling, and custom plugins while building complex applications with Vuex. Delve into internationalization and reusable code libraries.
Gain insights into advanced VueJS features like lifecycle hooks, event handling, and custom plugins while building complex applications with Vuex. Delve into internationalization and reusable code libraries.


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This course includes

51 Lessons
57 Playgrounds
8 Quizzes
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Course Overview

VueJS is a modern JavaScript frontend framework. Many popular websites use it for simplicity and performance every day. Vue offers a wide range of features to customize behavior, extend it, and use it for a variety of projects. In this course, you will learn about some of the advanced features of Vue by learning all about Vue’s lifecycle hooks, reusing code, handling events, and creating custom form controls. You’ll then cover advanced templating concepts before learning about internationalization and gain...Show More
VueJS is a modern JavaScript frontend framework. Many popular websites use it for simplicity and performance every day. Vue offe...Show More

What You'll Learn

An understanding of Vue’s features and possibilities beyond the basics
Familiarity with the inner workings of Vue’s data binding
Practical knowledge of how to use advanced templating to create clean code
Practical knowledge of application-wide state management using Vuex
Hands-on experience creating libraries and plugins with Vue
An understanding of Vue’s features and possibilities beyond the basics

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Course Content


Introduction and Course Goals

1 Lessons

Get familiar with Vue.js lifecycle hooks, advanced templating, Vuex, and more for efficient apps.


Reusable Code

3 Lessons

Break apart the principles of renderless components, mixins, and risk-free reusable code testing.


Event Handling

5 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of custom events, keyboard modifiers, event propagation, and event management in VueJS.


Form Controls

4 Lessons

Dig into using `v-model`, creating custom form controls, and implementing custom validation.



5 Lessons

Focus on mastering efficient Vue templating, including slots, transitions, custom directives, and variable components.



3 Lessons

Master the steps to implement UI and route-based internationalization for Vue applications.


Understanding Vue on a Deeper Level

5 Lessons

Learn how to use advanced VueJS features for optimizing performance and extending functionality.


Appendix - Libraries and Plugins

6 Lessons

Examine essential Vue libraries for data visualization, custom selects, drag-and-drop, typeahead, rich text editing, and masonry layouts.


Wrap-Up and Farewell

1 Lessons

Discover the importance of maintaining curiosity and further exploration in Vue.js.

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