

Testing Automation Evaluation Matrix

Testing Automation Evaluation Matrix

Learn how to choose the best test automation framework by comparing core elements and strengths of Cypress, Playwright, Puppeteer, and Selenium.

In this lesson, we will take a look at a methodology that can help connect the core pillars and considerations of a test automation framework that both developers and SDETs should care about. This methodology serves as a tool to evaluate the different frameworks continuously.

Essential framework considerations

To realize continuous value from our selected test automation framework, we need to get support for the core elements that we need. From language support to community, advanced testing scenarios support, and testing types of support, those in charge must have a clear picture that they can analyze prior to, as well as during, the adoption and usage of these technologies. The continuous part here is very important because, for example, as described previously, Cypress currently doesn’t cover iFrames and can’t test WebKit Safari browsers. However, these are on their roadmap, so that might change soon. ...