

Various Testing Methods with Selenium

Various Testing Methods with Selenium

Learn BDD testing with Cucumber, visual testing with Applitools Eyes, and accessibility testing with axe accessibility.

In this lesson, we’re going to look at a few testing types that are supported by the Selenium framework. We’ll cover testing that includes BDD with Cucumber, accessibility testing, and visual testing.

BDD testing with Selenium

In this lesson, we won’t provide a thorough deep dive into BDD. However, it’s important to understand that BDD can be used with Selenium easily. In the context of Agile testing practices, developers who are building software through the BDD method create the test scenarios in Gherkin, which follows the built-in keyword-driven syntax based on GIVEN, WHEN, and THEN. In the following screenshot, we can see an example of a Cucumber test scenario in Gherkin:

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A Cucumber test scenario in Gherkin with a Selenium-based step definition methods
A Cucumber test scenario in Gherkin with a Selenium-based step definition methods

In the preceding screenshot, we can see a full Gherkin-based test scenario with the annotation name of WebDD. The scenario simply navigates to a Google search ...