Take a deeper look at class constructors in this lesson.
Constructors are a special type of methods that are used to instantiate objects of a class. As we saw in the last couple of lessons, a class gives the blueprint of a non-primitive data type. To create objects from this class, we need constructors.
The code for a simple Introduction
class is reproduced below. Let’s take a look at the anatomy of the constructor below.
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class Introduction{// A class can have its own variablesString name;// This constructor requires the user to pass a String type variable or valueIntroduction(String enteredName){// We can read/update the value of a class's variable in the constructorname = enteredName;}// This class has the following methodpublic void greet(){// We can read/update the value of a class's variable in the class's methodsSystem.out.format("Hello %s! This is AP CS A course.", name );}public static void main (String args[]){// Introduction class has only one constructor that takes String as inputIntroduction user = new Introduction("Frodo Baggins");// user is now an object, we can call all the methods on it e.g. greet() methoduser.greet();}}
The constructor’s signature defines what types of parameters it requires as input. For example, in our case, we only need a String
type variable: enteredName
. However, a constructor can have any number and type of parameters.
We can have a constructor with no parameters. In this case, we will leave ...