

Solution Review 2: Expression Evaluation

Solution Review 2: Expression Evaluation

Have a look at the solution to the 'Expression Evaluation' challenge.

We'll cover the following...
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class ExpressionEvaluattion
public static void main(String args[])
int x = 2; // x = 2
int y = 3; // y = 3, x = 2
double z = 5; // z = 5.0, y = 3, x = 2
x *= y; // z = 5.0, y = 3, x = 2*3 = 6
y = x + y + (int) z; // z = 5.0, y = 6+3+5 = 14, x = 6
z = x + y + y / z; // z = 6+14+(14/5.0) = 22.8, y = 14, x = 6
y++; // z = 22.8, y = 15, x = 6
x--; // z = 22.8, y = 15, x = 5
x = (int) z + y * x / y % x; // x = 22 + ((15*5) / 15)) % 5 = 22


Let’s go over the code line by line and keep track of each of the three variables.

  • In lines 5-7, we have three variables declared; variables x and y are of int type, whereas variable z is of double type.

  • Now, look at line 9. Remember that *= is shorthand for the arithmetic operation of multiplying ...