Behind the Scenes at Swarm Security

Let's look behind the scenes at some of the security technologies involved in a swarm.

Swarm join tokens

The only requirement for joining managers and workers is possession of the secure join token. This means you should keep them safe and never post them on public repos or even internal repos that are not restricted.

Every swarm maintains two distinct join tokens:

  • Manager token

  • Worker token

Every join token has four distinct fields separated by dashes (-):


The prefix is always SWMTKN and allows you to pattern-match against it to prevent people from accidentally posting it publicly. The VERSION field indicates the version of the swarm. The Swarm ID field is a hash of the swarm’s certificate. The TOKEN field is the worker or manager token.

As you can see in the following table, the manager and worker tokens for any given swarm are identical except for the final TOKEN field.

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