Docker Scout and Vulnerability Scanning

Learn about image scanning, a crucial security practice that analyzes container images for vulnerabilities, ensuring the security of your containerized applications.

Every container runs multiple software packages that are susceptible to bugs and vulnerabilities that malicious actors can exploit.

Image scanners

Image scanning analyzes your images and produces a detailed list of all the software packages it uses. We call this list a software bill of materials (SBOM), and the image scanning system compares the SBOM against databases of known vulnerabilities and provides a report of vulnerabilities in your software. Most vulnerability scanners will rank the vulnerabilities and provide advice on fixes.

Vulnerability scanning is now an integral part of most software supply chains.

Docker Scout

Docker Scout is Docker’s native scanning platform. It works with Docker Hub, Docker Desktop, and the Docker CLI and even has its own Docker Scout Dashboard. However, it’s a subscription-based service.

Other scanning platforms are available, but most of these also require some form of subscription.

If you’re using Docker Desktop, you can run the following command to see an example of Docker Scout.

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