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About the Course
What to Expect?
Multi-container Apps with Compose
Introduction to Docker Compose
More on Compose Background
Sample Application Setup
Compose Files
Deploying Apps with Compose
Managing Apps with Compose
Clean up
Chapter Summary: Multi-Container Apps with Compose
Quiz: Multi-container Apps with Compose
Docker Swarm
Introduction to Docker Swarm
How Swarm Primer Works
Build a Secure Swarm Cluster
Build Docker Nodes with Multipass
Initializing a New Swarm
Swarm Manager High Availability (HA)
Locking a Swarm
Deploy and Manage an App on Swarm
Viewing and Inspecting Services
Scaling and Deleting Services
Rolling Updates
Chapter Summary: Docker Swarm
Quiz: Docker Swarm
Deploying Applications with Docker Stacks
Introduction to Docker Stacks
Build a Swarm Lab
Overview of a Sample App
Inspecting the Stack File: Networks and Volumes
Inspecting the Stack File: Services
Deploying the Sample App
Managing the App
Clean up
Chapter Summary: Deploying Applications With Docker Stacks
Quiz: Deploying Applications with Docker Stacks
Docker and WebAssembly
Build WebAssembly Apps with Docker
Intro to Wasm and Wasm containers
Creating a Wasm App
Containerize a Wasm App
Clean up
Chapter Summary: Docker and WebAssembly
Quiz: Docker and WebAssembly
Docker Networking
Introduction to Docker Networking
Docker Networking Theory
Single-Host Bridge Networks
External Access Via Port Mappings
Connecting to Existing Networks and VLANs
Troubleshooting Connectivity Problems
Service Discovery
Ingress Load Balancing
Clean Up
Chapter Summary: Docker Networking
Quiz: Docker Networking
Docker Overlay Networking
Introduction to Docker Overlay Networking
Building and Testing Docker Overlay Networks
Test the Overlay Network
The Theory of Docker Overlay Networking
Traffic Flow Example
Clean Up
Chapter Summary: Docker Overlay Newtworking
Quiz: Docker Overlay Networking
Volumes and Persistent Data
Introduction to Volumes and Persistent Data
Containers Without Volumes
Containers With Volumes
Using Volumes With Containers
Sharing Storage across Cluster Nodes
Potential Data Corruption
Chapter Summary: Volumes and Persistent Data
Quiz: Volumes and Persistent Data
Docker Security
Introduction to Security in Docker
Linux Security Technologies
Control Groups and Capabilities
MAC and Seccomp
Docker Security Technologies
Behind the Scenes at Swarm Security
TLS and Mutual Authentication
Configuring CA Settings and the Cluster Store
Docker Scout and Vulnerability Scanning
Signing and Verifying Images with Docker Content Trust
Docker Secrets
Clean Up
Chapter Summary: Docker Security
Quiz: Docker Security
What Next
Looking Forward
Concluding Thoughts
Appendix: Getting Docker and Compose
Docker Installations
Installing Docker and Compose on Windows 10 and 11
Installing Docker and Compose on Mac
Installing Docker and Compose with Multipass
Installing Docker and Compose on Linux
Docker Deep Dive: Advanced Techniques
Clean Up
Clean Up
Learn how to remove Docker services and containers.
We'll cover the following...
Removing Docker services and containers
Removing Docker services and containers