

Chapter Summary: Docker Overlay Newtworking

Chapter Summary: Docker Overlay Newtworking

Summary of the concepts covered in this chapter.

We'll cover the following...


Let's explore all the commands covered in this chapter:

  • docker network create tells Docker to create a new network. You use the -d overlay flag to use the overlay driver to create an overlay network. You can also pass the -o encrypted flag to tell Docker to encrypt network traffic. However, performance may drop in the region of 10%.

  • docker network ls lists all the container networks visible to a Docker host. Docker hosts running in swarm mode only see overlay networks if they run containers attached to the network. This keeps network-related management traffic to a minimum.

  • docker network inspect shows detailed information about a particular container network. You can find out the scope, driver, IPv4 and IPv6 info, subnet configuration, IP addresses of connected containers, VXLAN network ID, encryption state, and more.

  • docker network rm deletes a network.

Quick recap

In this chapter, we created a new Docker overlay network and learned about the following technologies:

  • Overlay networks allow containers to be connected across multiple hosts, making them appear to be on the same network.

  • VXLAN is the underlying technology used to create overlay networks, enabling communication between containers on different physical networks.

  • Docker's overlay networking simplifies the process of creating and managing overlay networks, providing a secure and efficient way to connect containers across different hosts.

  • Best Practices: Use overlay networks for complex networking scenarios that require communication between containers on different hosts . Consider using encryption for sensitive data. Monitor network performance and optimize as needed.

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