Solution: Maximum Value of an Arithmetic Expression

Solution for the Maximum Value of an Arithmetic Expression Problem.

We'll cover the following


Each of the five operations in the expression


can be the last (or the outermost) one. Consider the case where the last one is “××” (that is, multiplication). In this case, we need to parenthesize two subexpressions

(58+7)  and  (48+9)(5−8+7) ~~\text{and}~~ (4−8+9)

so that the product of their values is maximized. To find this out, we find the minimum and maximum values of these two subexpressions:

min(58+7)=(5(8+7))=10,max(58+7)=((58)+7)=4,min(48+9)=(4(8+9))=13,max(48+9)=((48)+9)=5.\begin{aligned}min(5−8+7)&=(5−(8+7))= −10,\\ max(5−8+7)&=((5−8)+7)= 4,\\ min(4−8+9)&=(4−(8+9))= −13,\\ max(4−8+9)&=((4−8)+9)= 5. \end{aligned}

From these values, we conclude that the maximum value of the product is 130130.

Assume that the input dataset is of the form

d0  op0  d1  op1    opn1  dn,d_0~~ op_0~~ d_1~~ op_1~~ \cdots~~ op_{n−1}~~ d_n,

where each did_i is a digit and each opj{+,,×}op_j ∈ \{+, −, ×\} is an arithmetic operation. The discussion above suggests that we compute the minimum value and the maximum value of each subexpression of the form

El,r=dl  opl  dl+1  opl+1    opr1  dr,E_{l,r} = d_l~~ op_l~~ d_{l+1} ~~ op_{l+1} ~~ \cdots~~ op_{r−1}~~ d_r ,

where 0lrn0 ≤ l ≤ r ≤ n. Let minValue(l,r)minValue(l,r) and maxValue(l,r)maxValue(l,r) be, respectively, the minimum value and the maximum value of El,rE_{l,r}. Then,

minValue(l,r)=minlm<r{minValue(l,m)    opm    minValue(m+1,r)maxValue(l,m)    opm    minValue(m+1,r)maxValue(l,m)    opm    minValue(m+1,r)maxValue(l,m)    opm    maxValue(m+1,r)minValue(l,r) = \min_{l \leq m < r} \begin{cases} minValue(l,m)~~ ~~ op_m ~~ ~~ minValue(m+1,r) \\ maxValue(l,m)~~ ~~ op_m ~~ ~~ minValue(m+1,r) \\ maxValue(l,m)~~ ~~ op_m ~~ ~~ minValue(m+1,r) \\ maxValue(l,m)~~ ~~ op_m ~~ ~~ maxValue(m+1,r) \end{cases}

maxValue(l,r)=maxlm<r{minValue(l,m)    opm    minValue(m+1,r)maxValue(l,m)    opm    minValue(m+1,r)maxValue(l,m)    opm    minValue(m+1,r)maxValue(l,m)    opm    maxValue(m+1,r)maxValue(l,r) = \max_{l \leq m < r} \begin{cases} minValue(l,m)~~ ~~ op_m ~~ ~~ minValue(m+1,r) \\ maxValue(l,m)~~ ~~ op_m ~~ ~~ minValue(m+1,r) \\ maxValue(l,m)~~ ~~ op_m ~~ ~~ minValue(m+1,r) \\ maxValue(l,m)~~ ~~ op_m ~~ ~~ maxValue(m+1,r) \end{cases}

The base case is l=rl = r:

minValue(l,l)=maxValue(l,l)=dl.minValue(l,l) = maxValue(l,l) = dl .

These two recurrence relations allow us to compute the optimal values for El,rE_{l,r} by going through all possibilities of breaking El,rE_{l,r} into two subexpressions El,mE_{l,m} and Em+1,rE_{m+1,r}.

Another way of looking at the resulting recurrence relation is the following. A natural way to visualize a particular parenthesizing is to represent it as a binary tree:

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