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All About JUnit5
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Gain insights into JUnit 5, explore its advantages over JUnit 4, and delve into its features like assertions, parameterized tests, dependency injection, and test execution order. Discover hands-on projects to cement your skills.
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Course Overview

JUnit 5 is a standard framework for unit testing in Java. Released in 2017, JUnit 5 is a major improvement over JUnit 4 and supports a lot of new methods. Many projects have migrated from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5. JUnit 5 is also the default test framework for new projects. JUnit 5 is composed of three sub-projects: JUnit Platform, JUnit Jupiter, and JUnit Vintage. Details of these sub-projects are discussed in the course. This course first discusses the advantages of JUnit 5 over the previous versions and then ...Show More
JUnit 5 is a standard framework for unit testing in Java. Released in 2017, JUnit 5 is a major improvement over JUnit 4 and supp...Show More


Familiarity with unit testing in JUnit 5
A deep understanding of life cycle annotations in JUnit 5
The ability to write unit tests in JUnit 5 for a real project
Familiarity with unit testing in JUnit 5

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Unit Testing

Course Content


Getting Started

1 Lessons

Learn how to use JUnit 5 for effective Java unit testing and legacy support.


Annotations, Tagging, and Filtering

5 Lessons

Examine JUnit 5's annotations, tagging, filtering for optimized test management and execution.


Nested tests in JUnit 5

4 Lessons

Apply your skills to organize and test complex functionalities using JUnit 5 nested tests.


Dependency Injections

6 Lessons

Dig into dependency injections, parameter resolvers, repeated tests, and exercise solutions in JUnit 5.


Parameterized and Dynamic Tests

5 Lessons

Tackle parameterized tests with @ValueSource, @EnumSource, @MethodSource, @CsvSource, and advanced dynamic testing.


Test Instance Lifecycle in JUnit 5

2 Lessons

Approach JUnit 5 test instance lifecycles to ensure test independence and manage mutable state effectively.


JUnit Platform

4 Lessons

Look at JUnit 4 migration, TestEngine, test discovery and execution, and the Launcher API.


Test Execution Order

3 Lessons

Master the steps to control test method and class execution order in JUnit 5.



1 Lessons

Build a foundation in essential JUnit 5 skills and practical knowledge.
Certificate of Completion
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Evaluate and debug your code with the click of a button. Get real-time feedback on test cases, including time and space complexity of your solutions.

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