Overview of Cooperative Interruption Thread
Get a brief introduction to the cooperative interruption thread.
We'll cover the following...
The additional functionality of the cooperative interruption thread is based on the std::stop_token
, the std::stop_callback
, and the std::stop_source
First, why is it not a good idea to kill a thread?
...⚠️ Killing a thread is dangerous
Killing a thread is dangerous because you don’t know the state of the thread. Here are two possible malicious outcomes.
- The thread is only half-done with its job. Consequently, you don’t know the state of its job and, hence, the state of your program. You end with
, and all bets are off. undefined behavior All bets are open. Your program can produce the correct result, the wrong result, crashes during run-time, or may not even compile. That behavior might change when porting to a new platform, upgrading to a new compiler or as a result of an unrelated code change. - The thread may be in a critical section and have locked a mutex. Killing a thread while it locks a mutex ends with a high probability in a
. deadlock A deadlock is a state in which at least one thread is blocked forever because it waits for the release of a resource, it does never get. There are two main reasons for deadlocks: a mutex has not been unlocked or you lock your mutexes in a different order.