

Submodules and Module Partitions

Submodules and Module Partitions

Learn the difference between submodules and module partitions.

We'll cover the following...

When your module becomes bigger, you want to divide its functionality into manageable components. C++20 modules offer two approaches: submodules and partitions.


A module can import modules and then re-export them.

In the following example, module math imports the submodules math.math1 and math.math2.

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// mathModule.ixx
export module math;
export import math.math1;
export import math.math2;

The expression export import math.math1 imports module math.math1 and re-exports it as part of the module math.

For completeness, here are the modules math.math1 and math.math2. I used a period to separate the module math from its submodules. This period is not necessary.

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// mathModule1.ixx
export module math.math1;
export int add(int fir, int sec) {
return fir + sec;
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// mathModule2.ixx
export module math.math2;
export {
int mul(int fir, int sec) {
return fir * sec;

If you look carefully, you recognize a small difference in the export statements in the modules ...