

The co_await Keyword

The co_await Keyword

Understand the use of the 'co_await' keyword in C++20.

co_await eventually causes the execution of the coroutine to be suspended or resumed. The expression exp in co_await exp has to be a so-called awaitable expression, i.e. which must implement a specific interface, consisting of the three functions await_ready, await_suspend, and await_resume.

A typical use case for co_await is a server that waits for events.

Press + to interact
Acceptor acceptor{443}
while (true) {
Socket socket = acceptor.accept(); // blocking
auto request = socket.read(); // blocking
auto response = handleRequest(request);
socket.write(response); // blocking

The server is quite simple because it sequentially answers each request in the same thread. The server listens on port 443443 (line 1), accepts the connection (line 3), reads the incoming data from the client (line 4), and writes its answer to the client (line 6). The calls in lines 3, 4, and 6 are blocking.

Thanks to co_await, the blocking calls can now be suspended and resumed.

Press + to interact
Acceptor acceptor{443}
while (true) {
Socket socket = co_await acceptor.accept();
auto request = co_await socket.read();
auto response = handleRequest(request);
co_await socket.write(response);

Before I present the challenging example of thread synchronization with coroutines, I want to start with something straightforward: starting a job on request.

Starting a job on
