Asynchronous Validators

In this lesson, we'll learn how to write an asynchronous validator.

We’re going to create another validator. The next validator we’ll create will demonstrate how to write asynchronous validators. Every validator we’ve worked with and written has run synchronously.

In some cases, we may need to make a request to a server to validate a value. Requests are asynchronous. We’ll need to wait until a response is given before we can allow the user to proceed.

Asynchronous validators are created similarly to synchronous validators. Here are the steps we’ll take to create one:

  1. Generate a new class for the validator
  2. Implement the AsyncValidator interface
  3. Define the validate method
  4. The validate method should return an observable or promise that emits null or an object

The async validator we’ll be creating will check if the password the user provided is safe. There’s a free API available, called Enzo, that stores a database of vulnerable passwords. We’ll be making a request to it to help us verify the safety of the user’s password.

Here’s a link to the documentation of the API we’ll be using.

Generating a new class

Let’s begin by generating a new class. In the command line, run the following command:

ng generate class validators/compromisedPassword

This will generate a class file and test file for the class. They’ll be stored in the validators directory.

Implementing the interface

Let’s implement the interface for an async validator. This step is entirely optional. However, I recommend it for hints on how to write a validator. We’re going to use a different interface than last time. If we’re developing an async validator, we’ll need to use the AsyncValidator interface. Let’s update the compromised-password.ts file to the following:

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