/Passing Data From Parent to Child Component
Passing Data From Parent to Child Component
Learn how to pass down data from parent to child components.
We'll cover the following...
We’ve created our first component. It’s time to make it dynamic by having it load data. First, we must decide where we’re going to define the data.
Storing data
There are two possible locations in which we can define the data: the post
component or the app
component. The best approach is to store the data in the parent component. It’s common practice to store data at the highest level possible.
There are a couple of reasons for doing so.
First, it allows the post
component to remain reusable. If we stored data in the post
component, then we’d have the same data in every instance of the component. We want to be able to output the post
component with different data each time. Therefore, it’s better to store the data in the app
component and pass it down to the post
component. The post
component will take the data and output it in the correct locations of the template.
Second, it allows us to share the same data with multiple components. ...