Handling the Response

In this lesson, we'll handle the response from the API.

We'll cover the following...

Our service is ready. It’s time to load it in the validator so that we can use it.

Using the service

In the compromised-password.ts file, we’ll import the service and inject it into the validator.

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import { AsyncValidator, FormControl } from '@angular/forms';
import { EnzoicService } from '../enzoic.service';
export class CompromisedPassword implements AsyncValidator {
constructor(private enzoic: EnzoicService) { }
validate = (control: FormControl) => {
return this.enzoic.checkPassword(control.value);

In the example above, we’re injecting the service into the validator. Then, we’re converting the validate function into an arrow function because validators are passed in as references. When we pass in a reference, the scope of the ...