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Authorization with OAuth 2.0 in JavaScript

Gain insights into OAuth 2.0 in JavaScript. Learn to set up Google Cloud, create credentials, and access user resources on Google and Facebook using OAuth tokens.
Gain insights into OAuth 2.0 in JavaScript. Learn to set up Google Cloud, create credentials, and access user resources on Google and Facebook using OAuth tokens.


Adaptive Learning



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This course includes

12 Lessons
10 Playgrounds
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content

Course Overview

OAuth 2.0, also known as Open Authorization 2.0, is an authorization protocol that grants applications with fine-grained access to resources on another host. In this course, you'll first get an introduction to the OAuth 2.0 protocol, its components, the different kinds of access the resource owner can provide to the client, and different types of OAuth workflows. Then, you will learn to set up a project on the Google Cloud Platform and create authorization credentials. You'll also look at a guide on how t...Show More
OAuth 2.0, also known as Open Authorization 2.0, is an authorization protocol that grants applications with fine-grained access ...Show More

What You'll Learn

An understanding of the OAuth 2.0 protocol including its components, roles, scopes, and grant types
A working knowledge of using OAuth to access Google resources, including media files stored on the Google Drive
Hands-on experience accessing the resources of Facebook users with the help of access tokens
An understanding of the OAuth 2.0 protocol including its components, roles, scopes, and grant types

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Course Content



5 Lessons

Get familiar with OAuth 2.0, its basics, grant types, client registration, and workflows.


Case Study: Access Google Resources

3 Lessons

Discover the logic behind integrating Google APIs securely with OAuth 2.0 in JavaScript.


Case Study: Access Facebook Resources

3 Lessons

Examine setting up OAuth 2.0 with Facebook, generating tokens, and accessing resources.



1 Lessons

Find out about OAuth 2.0 integration, security guidelines, and the importance of consulting RFCs.

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