HomeCoursesAutomating a CI/CD Pipeline with AWS DevOps



Automating a CI/CD Pipeline with AWS DevOps
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Become an AWS pro with hands-on exercises developed by AWS Solution Certified Architects. Learn to automate CI/CD pipelines, address waterfall pitfalls, and deploy agile, error-proof software.
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Course Overview

Many companies still use the waterfall methodology in their delivery process. This course will help them understand the pitfalls and drawbacks of the waterfall methodology and how DevOps addresses those problems. You’ll learn about the different phases that make up a DevOps pipeline and the core AWS services used in each phase. You’ll also gain an understanding of leveraging other monitoring services provided by AWS and learn how to make the delivery pipeline more agile and error-proof. Finally, you’ll le...Show More
Many companies still use the waterfall methodology in their delivery process. This course will help them understand the pitfalls...Show More


Understanding the importance of DevOps in automating software delivery
Basic knowledge of different phases that make up a CI/CD pipeline
Working knowledge of AWS services that can be leveraged in implementing a CI/CD pipeline
Hands-on experience implementing a CI/CD pipeline using the AWS Developer services
Hands-on experience orchestrating a CI/CD pipeline using AWS services
Familiarity with automating infrastructure provisioning using AWS services
Familiarity with common deployment strategies used in a CI/CD pipeline
Understanding the importance of DevOps in automating software delivery

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Using AWS Cloud Services

Cloud Deployment

Deployment on Cloud

Application Deployment

Course Content


Implementing DevOps Using AWS Services

7 Lessons

Learn how to use AWS DevOps services to automate CI/CD pipelines, enhance agility, and ensure high availability.


Application Testing with AWS CodeBuild

5 Lessons

Break down the steps to improve testing and reporting using AWS CodeBuild in CI/CD processes.


Popular Deployment Strategies

6 Lessons

Sharpen your skills in deployment strategies including in-place, rolling, blue-green, and canary methods.



1 Lessons

Look at transitioning from waterfall to modern DevOps, applying AWS services, and integrating security.



2 Lessons

Break apart setting up and accessing AWS credentials for secure software deployment.
Certificate of Completion
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