

Challenge 1: Count Set Bits

Challenge 1: Count Set Bits

This is a traditional problem counting the number of set bits or 1's present in a number.


Let’s see how we can count the set bits using the AND operator.

What are set-bits?

1 = set-bit

0 = unset-bit

For example:

Input: 5

Output: 0101 (in binary)

There are two set bits are two in the above example, as we have two 1’s in the binary representation.

Problem statement

Write a program to count set bits of an integer.

Input: 125

Output: 6 

Explanation: Input has six 1’s or set-bits so the output will be 6.

Basic solution

In this program, a while-loop is iterated until the expression number > 0 is evaluated to 0 (false).

Let’s see the iterations for number = 125.


  • After the first iteration, number(125) will be divided by 2, its value will be 62, and the count incremented to 1.

  • After the second iteration, the value of ...