Challenge 1: Single Number

In this lesson, every element appears twice except one element. Try to come up with a process to solve this. Use your XOR skills to achieve this.


In this question, every element appears twice except one element, which is our answer.

Let’s see how to achieve this using the XOR operator.

Problem statement

We need to write a program that finds the element that is not repeated.

Input: nums = { 4, 1, 2, 9, 1, 4, 2 }
Output: 9

Explanation: Except for 9, all elements are repeated.

Assume n is non-negative.

Hint: Use the ^ operator to achieve this.


We solve this using naive, and then we move to solve it in a more optimal way.

Brute force

This is a naive approach. We traverse the entire array twice to achieve this, which is not optimal.


Iterate the elements using two for loops and find the one that is not repeating.

Complexity analysis

Time Complexity: O(n2n^{2})

Space Complexity: ...