Swap Two Numbers
In this lesson, we make use of the XOR operator to swap the values of two inputs.
We'll cover the following...
In this question, input two numbers and swap them without using the swapping logic.
Problem statement
We need to write a program to swap two numbers.
Input: a = 10, b = 121
Output: a = 121, b = 10
We can make use of XOR to swap two values. You will find the solution below:
class SwapTwoNumbers {public static void main(String[] args) {int a = 10, b = 121;a = a ^ b;b = b ^ a;a = a ^ b;System.out.println("Finally, after swapping; a = " + a + " , b = " + b);}}
Complexity analysis
Time Complexity: We are not running a loop or scaling the inputs. The inputs never change. So the operation takes a single unit of time, which is .
Space Complexity: We didn’t create an extra memory for this. So, the space complexity is .