HomeCoursesBlogging Using the Blogger API in Python


1h 30min

Blogging Using the Blogger API in Python
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Gain insights into the Blogger API, explore user data management, learn to create and update content, and discover how to build a full blog application using Django.
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Course Overview

Blogger is a popular web publishing platform built and maintained by Google. Many popular websites use the content management system, including the Python Software Foundation, Girl Scouts, and Flipboard. This course is an introduction to the Blogger API, which allows users to search and manage both user data and blog content. After learning to view user profiles and their blog entries, you’ll start creating and managing your Blogger-based website. You’ll learn how to create and update pages, search your bl...Show More
Blogger is a popular web publishing platform built and maintained by Google. Many popular websites use the content management sy...Show More


Learn to view a blogger’s user profile and blogs.
Learn to create, update, and delete a blog page and blog post.
Learn to publish and revert draft posts.
Learn to search for blog pages and blog posts.
Learn to build a simple blogger application by integrating Blogger API into a Python application using Django.
Learn to view a blogger’s user profile and blogs.

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Course Content



4 Lessons

Get familiar with using Blogger API v3, setting up Blogger and Google Cloud projects, and generating API keys.


Users and Blogs

2 Lessons

Get started with managing users and blogs using the Blogger API.



2 Lessons

Go hands-on with creating, updating, deleting, listing, and retrieving pageviews for blog pages.



3 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of creating, updating, deleting, publishing, reverting, listing, and searching blog posts.


APIs Integration in Django

1 Lessons

Solve problems in integrating Blogger API within a Django application efficiently.



1 Lessons

Investigate the Blogger API v3 and expand your knowledge further.



1 Lessons

Piece together the parts of refreshing the Blogger API access token with necessary keys.
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