HomeCoursesBuild Amazing Layouts with HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap 4



Build Amazing Layouts with HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap 4
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Gain insights into creating stunning web layouts with HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap 4. Learn about responsive design, CSS frameworks, and advanced techniques like transitions, animations, and transforms.
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Course Overview

This course provides an in-depth look into building web layouts from scratch. It includes detailed guidance on HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap 4. You will begin with an overview of the basics of HTML and CSS. Using the knowledge you gain in the first few lessons, you will build an HTML5 and CSS3 layout. Next, you will make the layout responsive using media queries. Then, you will learn about popular CSS frameworks and create your own micro framework. After this, you will build a layout using the Bootstrap 4 f...Show More
This course provides an in-depth look into building web layouts from scratch. It includes detailed guidance on HTML5, CSS3, and ...Show More


Hands-on experience with creating web layouts using HTML and CSS
A working knowledge of the tools, technologies, and concepts required for creating modern layouts
Familiarity with popular CSS frameworks, including Bootstrap 4, Bulma, and MDL
An understanding of advanced CSS concepts, including CSS variables and the CSS grid
Hands-on experience with creating web layouts using HTML and CSS

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HTML Elements



Front-end Development

Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap to create interactive web layouts.


Whitespace, HTML Elements, and CSS Selectors

5 Lessons

Walk through whitespace handling, HTML elements, and CSS selectors for effective web layout.


CSS Display Property

7 Lessons

Break apart the CSS display property to control document flow and element behavior.


The Box Model

4 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of the CSS box model to control element layout effectively.


CSS Positioning

8 Lessons

Map out the steps for effective CSS positioning with static, relative, absolute, and fixed values.


Images and Floats in CSS

6 Lessons

Follow the process of managing image layout and spacing using float and clear properties in CSS.


CSS Selectors and CSS Targeting Revisited

8 Lessons

Master CSS specificity, selectors, pseudo-classes, and practical layout techniques.


Building the First Layout

5 Lessons

Step through creating responsive web layouts, from mockups to dynamic CSS adjustments.


Converting Our First Layout Into a Responsive One

7 Lessons

Solve challenges with Flexbox and media queries to create responsive web layouts.


CSS Resets and Emmets

4 Lessons

Examine CSS resets for consistency and Emmet for efficient HTML/CSS coding.


Column-Based CSS Layouts

7 Lessons

Break down complex ideas of column-based CSS layouts, including grid systems and responsiveness.


An Overview of Popular CSS Frameworks

5 Lessons

Dig deeper into popular CSS frameworks, their benefits, and their unique development features.


Micro CSS Framework

5 Lessons

See how it works to build efficient layouts with custom CSS frameworks and Bootstrap.


CSS Transitions, Animations, and Transforms

7 Lessons

Master creating interactive layouts with CSS transitions, animations, and easily updateable CSS variables.


Introducing the CSS Grid

7 Lessons

Learn how to use CSS Grid for streamlined, two-dimensional responsive web layouts.


CSS Tips and Tricks for Beginners

1 Lessons

Get started with essential CSS tips for effective and aesthetic web design.


Wrapping Up

1 Lessons

Examine key web layout principles, responsive design, and future growth in web development.
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