

More on Dependencies

More on Dependencies

This lesson continues the discussion on dependencies and the various mechanisms available to resolve conflicting versions of a dependency.

Dependency conflict resolution

So, what happens when a project depends on two projects which in turn depend on different versions of the same project? How does Maven solve this conflict? Consider the following setup:

In the above setup, Project A depends on Project B and Project C. Both Project B and Project C in turn depend on the Google artifact for json parsing known as Gson. However, Project B depends on the newer version 2.8.6, while Project C depends on the older 1.7.2 version. Let’s do a hands-on exercise and see which version Maven picks.

Press + to interact
# Change directory to Project9
cd /Project9
# Change directory to ProjectB and build it so that it is available in the
# local Maven repo for ProjectA to use.
cd ProjectB
mvn install
# Change directory to ProjectC and build it.
cd ../ProjectC
mvn install
# Change directory to ProjectA and compute the dependency tree
# You can also use resolvee goal to view the dependency resolution by Maven.
cd ../ProjectA
mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose
mvn dependency:resolve
Terminal 1

In the example above, Maven ends up choosing the version 2.8.6 for the Gson dependency. If we draw a tree of dependencies starting with the POM of Project A as the root, Maven will choose the dependency nearest from the root in case of conflicting dependency versions. Let’s see the dependency tree of Project A as printed out by Maven.
