Building the Front-Facing API

Build the front-facing API responsible for analyzing the image-related data.

We'll cover the following...

Building the API

This section will build the front-facing API logic and integrate it with the Azure Cognitive service we created. The red rectangle in the illustration below clarifies what parts of the solution we are building:

Press + to interact
  • Open the ImageDescriber.csproj project file.
  • Under the <ItemGroup> property, below the existing PackageReference notice the reference to: <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Vision.ComputerVision" Version="7.0.0" />.

Note: This will add the SDK to use Azure computer vision cognitive service from the C# code.

Enter the cognitiveServiceEndpoint and cognitiveServiceKey in the widget below.

Note: Get the KEY and ...