

Creating the Microsoft Azure SQL Database

Creating the Microsoft Azure SQL Database

Create a database to store the analyzed image data.

We'll cover the following...

Now that we have finished with image recognition and storage, we would like to save the recognized text in a database. For this, we will create an Azure SQL Server and a database using the CLI. Follow the steps below:

  • Type the following command to log in to Microsoft Azure.
Press + to interact
az login --use-device-code
  • Now, we will set the context of Azure CLI to our desired subscription using the following command:
Press + to interact
az account set -s $subscriptionId
  • Then, we must create our Azure SQL Server to host our database. Execute the following command to create the SQL server:
Press + to interact
az sql server create --name $sqlServerName --resource-group $resourceGroup --location $location --admin-user $sqlServerUsername --admin-password $sqlServerPassword