

Adding Token Interceptors to Authenticate Requests in Angular

Adding Token Interceptors to Authenticate Requests in Angular

Learn to create interceptors in Angular.

Overview of interceptors in Angular

Interceptors are a special type of Angular service that enables us to handle incoming and outgoing HTTP requests and HTTP responses using the HttpClient. Angular interceptors use the intercept() method to configure any HTTP request or response. The intercept() method takes in two parameters and then returns an observable, as seen below:

intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>>

The req parameter helps handle the outgoing request object, while the next parameter handles the next interceptor in the chain or the backend. If no interceptors remain in the chain by calling next.handle(tokenizedReq), the intercept() method returns an observable event stream.

The Angular interceptor can be used to perform several ...