HomeCoursesBuilding a Full-stack Application Using the MEAN Stack



Building a Full-stack Application Using the MEAN Stack
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Gain insights into building full-stack applications using the MEAN stack. Explore Angular for frontend, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB for backend, and learn integration and deployment.
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Course Overview

In this course, you’ll learn how to build a full-stack application using the MEAN stack. You’ll begin with the frontend by learning how to create and set up an Angular application from scratch. Furthermore, you’ll learn to implement routing, router guards, token-based authentication, authorization, error handling, and dependency Injection in an Angular application. Next, the focus shifts to the backend. You’ll learn by using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB to create REST APIs. Additionally, you’ll learn to c...Show More
In this course, you’ll learn how to build a full-stack application using the MEAN stack. You’ll begin with the frontend by learn...Show More


Working knowledge of creating user interfaces using Angular
An understanding of how to create and consume REST API using Node and Angular
A working knowledge of how to set up a NoSQL database using MongoDB
In-depth knowledge of how to structure a MEAN stack application
Preparing a MEAN stack application for deployment
Working knowledge of creating user interfaces using Angular

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Angular CLI


Dependency Injection

Course Content


Course Overview

1 Lessons

Get familiar with building a CRUD app using MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.js.


Introduction to the MEAN Stack

5 Lessons

Look at the MEAN stack's components, benefits, versioning, and their application in a course management app.


Setting up Mongo DB

5 Lessons

Establish and securely connect MongoDB Atlas, set up schemas, and organize user and course data.


Toast Notifications, Preloaders and Deployment

4 Lessons

Work your way through toast notifications, preloaders, and deploying Angular projects with Netlify.



1 Lessons

Break down the steps to integrate and deploy a full-stack MEAN application.
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