

Overview of Dependency Injection

Overview of Dependency Injection

Learn about dependency injection in Angular.

What is dependency injection in Angular?

Dependency injection (DI) in programming is a technique in which an object or service receives data from other objects to perform its function successfully. Dependency injection is a significant part of an Angular application, and it’s impossible to build an Angular project without it.

In an Angular application, we can import and inject dependencies into the components, directives, services, etc. In summary, dependency injection in Angular allows classes to make requests from different components or services to access specific data instead of implementing the logic in one single component.

Merits of dependency injection

  1. Maintainability: The design pattern of dependency injection helps create a codebase that’s easy to maintain and makes errors are easy to detect. As the codebase continues to grow, it will be easier to make minor changes instead of starting from scratch.

  2. Testability: The design pattern of dependency injection supports separation of concern, making it easy to isolate and debug faults in components, services, or modules.

  3. Reusability: Dependency injection makes it easy to reuse services or modules across several components, making the development process faster and of higher quality. The boilerplate code also gets reduced.

  4. Modularity: Dependency ...