Creating an Object Store

Learn how to create an object store for a database.

The createObjectStore() method

To create an object store, we can use the createObjectStore() method.


createObjectStore(name, options);

The createObjectStore method can take two arguments:

  • name: This is the name for the new object store to be created.

  • options: The options object can contain the keyPath(primaryKey) and autoIncrement attributes. It’s an optional argument.

    • keyPath (optional): This specifies the name of the property that will be used as the key for the objects in the object store. If this property is omitted, a unique key is generated for each object automatically.

    • autoIncrement (optional): This property is a boolean value that specifies whether the object store should automatically generate a new key value for each new object that’s added to the store.

The keyPath vs. autoIncrement attributes

  • autoIncrement: For data that can’t be differentiated based on a specific property, we can set the autoIncrement as true.

  • keyPath: This ...