

Retrieving the Range of Data with a Cursor

Retrieving the Range of Data with a Cursor

Learn about KeyRange and how to use it with a cursor to retrieve data within a specific range.

In IndexedDB, a KeyRange object represents a range of keys in an object store. It can retrieve a specific range of records from the object store.

How to create a KeyRange?

There are several ways to create a KeyRange object:

  • Using the only() method

  • Using the bound() method

  • Using the lowerBound() method

  • Using the upperBound() method

Using the only method

This method takes a single key as its argument and creates a KeyRange object that represents a range that only includes that key.


let singleKeyRange = IDBKeyRange.only(value);
Syntax of the only method

The value argument is the single key value we want the range to contain. For example, the following code creates a KeyRange object that represents a range that only includes the "A" key:

const keyRange = IDBKeyRange.only("A");
Example of the only method

Using the bound method

This method takes two keys as its arguments and creates a KeyRange ...